Asian Infrastructure and Investment Bank ( AIIB) of China has granted 180 million US dollar loan to Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka embassy in Beijing sends an official statement to Sri lanka confirming the loan.

Asian Infrastructure and Investment Bank ( AIIB) of China has granted 180 million US dollar loan to Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka embassy in Beijing sends an official statement to Sri lanka confirming the loan.
United States intelligence report on killing the journalist Jamal Khashoggi in 2018. The report released yesterday and it states that saudi prince Mohammed bin salman approved the operation to Capture or kill the journalist. Jamal Khashoggi was US resident and… Read More
Epidemiology unit of Ministry of Health states that AstraZeneca vaccine of the oxford university (UK ) had been administered to give more than 400000 Sri Lankans untill yesterday 26th February 2021.
Over 82,000 COVID-19 cases reported in Sri lanka Yesterday 26th of February 487 individuals tested positive for covid 19 this made total countries positive amount in to 82420. Also 664 recoveries reported today with total 77625 amount of recoveries
The US military struck a site in Syria in response to rocket attacks on American forces in the past two weeks.The site used by two Iranian backed militia groups.US officials state that Up to a handfulof militants were killed in… Read More
Anura Senanayake the former Senior Deputy Inspector General of Police has passed away today ( 26th February) . Police media spokesperson DIG Ajith Rohana states that late Senanayake was battled an illness for a long period of time. He started… Read More
During a discussion held at temple trees yesterday Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksha instruct to held the state vesak festival at Nagadeepa Rajamaha Viharaya in Jaffna. They are going to involve 65 temples and 35 Buddhist dhamma schools in North Eastern… Read More
The executive council meeting of the sri lanka Freedom Party held yesterday. They decided to reject the final report of the Ester attack commission at meeting. The report has charged Many politicians including former president Maithripala Sirisena, former National Intelligence… Read More
During an Interactive Dialogue at the United Nations Human Rights Council 21 countries supported Sri lanka while 15 countries against the position of the Sri Lankan government. Fifteen countries including Canada, Uk , Norway, Germany and USA spoke against Sri… Read More
The Government Medical Officers Association issued a statement that some banks were imposing a fine even for the early settlement of loan. Also they request President Gotabaya Rajapaksha to remove those unfair charges when settling loans. Apart from that they… Read More