As there is no paper, the electricity bill is only SMS / App / Email EBILL henceforth – registration method

Ceylon Electricity Board has informed that due to the existing shortage of paper, the method of giving pre-printed bills which have been followed so far in issuing electricity bills will be changed.

Accordingly, several alternative methods of paying the electricity bill have been introduced.

 1) By SMS
2) Through an app
3) By email
4) Thermal printed bills for those who do not understand the essentials of the above methods

1) By Short Message (SMS) — After reading the monthly bill, the monthly electricity bill will be sent to the telephone number registered with CEB through a short message (SMS). To register for this, you can get the support of the CEB representative who will visit the premises to read the menu. Or you can register yourself by texting 1987 with “REG<space>ten digit electricity account number”.

2) CEBCare Mobile App – The facility of receiving the bill after reading the monthly bill is also provided using the CEBCare friendly mobile app.

3) E-Bill (e-Bill) service for receiving electricity bills through email has been started. Electricity consumers of the Electricity Board can visit the website and register for the e-Bill service. In addition, it is also possible to register for this service by typing EBILL (SPACE) ACCOUNT NUMBER (SPACE) EMAIL and sending an SMS to the number 1987 on the mobile phone.

4) Thermally printed bills of the type issued in supermarkets are issued only for those who find it difficult to follow the above methods or have other needs and such bills can be requested by contacting the monthly meter readers. Only those who request will be given.