The transportation of ballot boxes and officials to presidential election polling centers begins this morning

The transportation of ballot boxes and officials to presidential election polling centers begins this morning. The transportation of ballot boxes and officials to polling centers for the 2024 presidential election will commence this morning (20).

Election Commissioner General Saman Sri Ratnayake stated that ballot boxes and staff will be dispatched to 13,421 centers accordingly.

The number of distribution centers established for this purpose is 1234.

He also stated that over 150,000 government officials have been deployed for polling center duties.

The Election Commissioner General said that about a thousand officials, including chief counting officers, have been sent to outstation areas from several districts including Colombo.

Meanwhile, the police say that special security will be provided for the transportation of ballot boxes and officials.

Police Media Spokesman, Deputy Inspector General of Police Attorney Nihal Thalduwa mentioned that a special traffic plan is in effect around the centers where ballot boxes are being issued.

Voting for the 2024 presidential election will take place tomorrow from 7 am to 4 pm.

The number of eligible voters for this is 17,140,354.

38 candidates are contesting in this presidential election.