Economic Crisis in Sri Lanka- Sri Lankan government issued a new circular regarding employment of government employees abroad

A new circular has been issued regarding the provision of unpaid leave subject to a maximum of 05 years to government employees for foreign employment.

 It is signed by the Secretary of the Ministry of Monetary, Economic Stabilization and National Policy.

 According to this circular, permanent employees of government corporations, constitutional boards and government-owned companies will have this opportunity.

This circular has been issued with the aim of increasing the foreign exchange remittances and getting high contribution to the country’s economy by optimally utilizing the country’s human resources.

Here, under several conditions, the opportunity to take foreign leave will be available subject to a maximum of 05 years without prejudice to seniority.

When applying for leave without pay for any government employee to work abroad, the head of the organization should consider granting the leave only if there is a system for employing another employee on an internal basis to cover the work of that employee or to see the work in the relevant organization.

 It is mentioned in the circular that this opportunity is available only to the permanent officers of the public service.

If the concerned employee has taken loan monsalary-freeks or other institutions from his company, during this salary free period, he should come to a formal agreement on how to repay the loan money.