A 10-year-old boy died due to extremist religious belief

Police Media Spokesman Nihal Thalduwa stated that the investigation into the mysterious death of a child and the occult has revealed several surprising facts regarding occult beliefs.

Neighbours have complained about the police after a house in the Adimulla area in the Badalgama police division smelled a suspicious stench.

Based on the information received, a police investigation has been launched yesterday (09) and the body of a 10-year-old boy was found lying on a bed in a room in the house.

When inquired by the residents, the parents of the child said that the child who had been suffering from a sore throat on the 7th had informed that he had undergone a prayer treatment and had not been referred for any medical treatment and the child had died during the prayers.

But even then, the parents, who believed that the child could be cured through prayer, kept praying while keeping the child’s body at home. The parents kept the child in a room and prayed religiously until he recovered, and in the meanwhile, the child body started to rotton away.

 The boy’s mother, father and grandmother were all involved in the process, and it was reported that they were members of some extremist sect and were blind believers in all activities.

The mother, father and grandmother have been arrested by the police.

The Negombo Magistrate’s Court has reported the incident and the inquest is underway. Badalgama Police are conducting further investigations.