The deadliest disease “Missy” is spreading among children after infecting with covid 19

Doctors at the Ridgeway Aryan Children’s Hospital in Colombo are warning of another serious illness for children with the re-emergence of covid-19 in the country.

Dr Deepal Perepaediatrician at the Aryan Children’s Hospital, Ridgeway, Colombo, said that children could even die if they developed a condition called “Missy”.

“It is a multi-organ infection. This disease can be very serious. All the senses can be paralyzed. Immunization of children over 12 years of age can reduce the risk of measles. Missy is serious. Children with that condition can go to the intensive care unit. Death can happen. ” he said.

“If the child develops the disease without the parents’ knowledge, the child may have a fever again after being infected covid 19 within two weeks or two months, with swollen lymph nodes, yellowing of the eyes, difficulty breathing, and decreased urination or Bleeding with urine can occur. It could result in something like a slowing down of the heart.  And even traumatic situations can happen.” He further explained the situation.