A petition to the court against the new marriage regulation

A writ petition has been filed in the Court of Appeal seeking the annulment of a new regulation imposed by Sri Lankans on marriages with foreign nationals.

The new regulation stipulates that in such a marriage, a clearance report must be obtained from the Ministry of Defense.

 The petition was filed by Attorney-at-Law Tishya Weragoda.

Registrar General W.M.M.B. Weerasekera, Defense Secretary Kamal Gunaratne and Secretary to the Ministry of Health SH Munasinghe has been named as the respondent here.

Petitioner states that as a recognized right in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights signed by Sri Lanka, every person is free to marry any person he wishes.

A circular was issued on October 18 requiring foreigners intending to marry Sri Lankans to obtain a “security clearance report” as a precondition for registering their marriage, and the regulation will take effect on January 1.